Stone restoration Sacramento is based on the type of stone that you have. In part two of our series, we explore granite and slate.
Because it is harder than a lot of other stone, it isn't as vulnerable a stone as say marble or travertine are. As for care, granite requires very little in the way of stone restoration done to it, except for an odd bit of polishing. Slate on the other hand requires a bit of extra care
Your stone is an investment in your home. As such, take care of it. Know what you're doing before you start, or call in a service that does stone restoration Sacramento.
This concludes part two of our series on stone restoration Sacramento. Be sure to read part one as well.
C & G Stone Restoration
260 Sumatra Drive
Sacramento CA, 95838
Granite and Stone Restoration Sacramento
When you're looking into stone restoration Sacramento, as we said in an earlier post, you have to know your stone. So how do you know if you have granite? First off, here's a definition of granite from Wikipedia "Granite /ˈɡrænɨt/ is a common type of intrusive, felsic, igneous rock which is granular and phaneritic in texture. This rock consists mainly of quartz, mica, and feldspar. Occasionally some individual crystals (phenocrysts) are larger than the groundmass, in which case the texture is known as porphyritic. A granitic rock with a porphyritic texture is sometimes known as a porphyry. Granites can be pink to gray in color, depending on their chemistry and mineralogy. By definition, granite is an igneous rock with at least 20% quartz by volume." [READ MORE]Because it is harder than a lot of other stone, it isn't as vulnerable a stone as say marble or travertine are. As for care, granite requires very little in the way of stone restoration done to it, except for an odd bit of polishing. Slate on the other hand requires a bit of extra care
Cleaning Slate and Stone Restoration
Slate is a hard stone, much like granite, but you must use a bit of care with slate as it is also a relatively brittle stone. It's normal for example for slate to produce flakes when you first put it in. If you grind slate too hard, you can conceivably break the stone. If you are unsure, call in a stone restoration service to help you.Your stone is an investment in your home. As such, take care of it. Know what you're doing before you start, or call in a service that does stone restoration Sacramento.
This concludes part two of our series on stone restoration Sacramento. Be sure to read part one as well.
C & G Stone Restoration
260 Sumatra Drive
Sacramento CA, 95838